I was having some tingling sensations in my back which I've come to think means that there are just some parts of the fascia that are trying to slide that haven't really done that before and are maybe breaking those cross links. So I was doing a little bend and unbend repeatedly to try and help this part of the back work the connective tissue. After doing this for a little bit I realized that in the back of my legs the stretch was getting more and more tight with each bend and unbend.
I came back to this later in the day and was doing the same thing but this time I was noticing that when I would bend forward and down I could feel the stretch in the front of the shins as the knees went forward.
Is there anyting in particular to note about a stretch getting more and more pronounced when repeating the same movement. Is this just the way connective tissue works inside the body or was I doing something different that I was unaware of.