
Definition of Internal Practice

torso inside

Chinese Martial Arts are sometimes divided into two adversarial camps: Internal vs External, NeiJia vs WaiJia. It is usually in some kind of advert where I see these terms. Over the years as I have kept abreast of anatomy, neuroscience and related disciplines, I have always looked to resolve what I perceive a false distinction. In 2010, I published a draft definition of internal practice in my FAQ. Since then I have been fortunate to receive peer feedback and continue to refine the definition.

The 5 Elements [wip]

Deep learning is transformative. To move from where you are to where you want to be requires a map, or at least a path. The problem with NeiJia is that, for the beginner, there is no understandable map and the path seems convoluted at best, unintelligible at worst. In UCB Program internal practice, From Standing to Pearls, the progression of capacity, skill and understanding is predictably linear and seems, on the surface, perfectly reasonable. To train the 5 Elements is to break with this surface rationality and embrace the unreasonable.

WuXing Image

UCB Seated Meditation

UCB Seated Meditation. This is not a mindfulness method. Students actively experience their sensorum in a novel manner. Contact me for complimentary access to UCB Live.


Sketch of Meditation-vs-mindfulness

Meditation and Self-Acceptance

Multiple pictures of Wang Shujin in standing postures

A process of transformation resulting in self-compassion by way of standing meditation; with further cultivation, self-acceptance is possible. Free introductory class. Txt me (520) 770-1200 for a brief intake interview.