The Bitter Part of the Pill

I've been extremely busy since my last post, but I can at least say that it has been a productive busy. I have two certifications as a personal trainer  and am also a kettlebell instructor. I'm taking 3 college courses, and I'm in the process of applying to a master's program for Exercise Science. Unfortunately my IMA practice has been falling by the wayside with school, training, and having to take care of my grandmother. :(

I started back with Lesson 1 last week and am remembering why I struggled before-- I couldn't remember the Bitter Pill! I've been practicing the last 3 days first thing in the morning and am feeling better about it. I don't know the closing, but I figure future classes will go over it so that I can get the closing down. 

One question I have is about the harvesting--do we stand from 2-20 minutes each time or is that just the first time? I have been standing for a longer period at the beginning with progressively shorter periods. 

Anyway, looking forward to progressing through the material, and trying not to put too much thought into everything. I've always been the type to sort of "just do it" and try to observe what's going on later -- when I'm not too busy thinking about "what in the world am I doing & what come next?"