If it is okay, I would like to make this a bit more than just a "training blog." If you have not heard, some comments I made in a review about a push hands seminar that I attended has created a bit of a stir. Maybe I should have shared my review directly with the intended audience, but it's whatever at this point. If people wish to read my thoughts, then so be it. I am going to make a strong effort to record every detail of my training from this point on...
I had a talk with my gongfu brother, Patrick (paralece), about having a more detailed blog. He thought it would be a good idea. We texted about stretching the Yao and expanding the mingmen point. I told him that I think hard style kettelbell training has put a lot of tension in that area to where I have no idea how to expand or even feel anything back there other than the pain I get sometimes during long standing sessions or practicing the yang style long form.
On the topic of forms, I have been practicing the long form with a bit more regularity. I have not spent as much time with the Guang Ping form, but someone on YouTube requested that I post an updated video to see if I have improved at all. A really skilled Taiji player told me to focus more on relaxation when doing my forms if I want to get deeper. I feel like the forms "look" sloppy this way. Of course I can't see myself , so I have no idea how things look. Have I ever mentioned that I started out doing wushu? I have this big concern for looking "crisp" when I do forms, but I remember that what is pretty on the stage, might not always be effective. I say "might" because have you seen Sigung's butterfly form video? It is poetry in motion!
Sifu, I wanted to ask you if you practice the I Liq Chuan forms very often or are they more of like a solo teaching tool?
Okay, as far as training today-- I did some bag work and mitt work with a client this morning. When I wrapped up her session, I caught the last 35 minutes of a cardio kickboxing class. The people really enjoyed it. I thought the teacher sucked because he did not even do most oF the moves he called off. In those types of group classes, you do the workouts,too. I think I might enjoy teaching a class like that, but I have a few reservations about taebo and turbo kick. I mentioned using a YMCA Taiji class as a way to form a spinning hands group, so maybe I could do the same with a martial aerobics class? What do you think?
I am going to do some bitter pill and bear standing after I eat. See you all next entry.