I am still here, but have not been blogging at all lately. School is back in full swing, so I am having to juggle the YMCA, my kettlebell classes, school, taking care of my Grandma, and my own training. My last day with the YMCA will beon next Friday, 3 AUG. From there I am going to make some major changes to my kettlebell classes. I want to go with the model that Crossfit uses where people playa monthly fee to come here and train. I will keep a few classes going which will be actual classes with a curriculum. There will be a beginner class and an advanced class...people will have to reserve a spot and pay in advance. I am having huge problems with people showing up when they feel like it, or not showing up at all even though they say they are coming. I had been operating " pay as you go," but that was because I was just doing this training at my home for experience.
The best part of these new changes are that I will have time to focus on my own training. My plans at the start of the summer were to just train people out of my home so that I could be here to study for school and get all of my IMA training in between appointments.
Well, I would like to try it for a year while I finish school. If it does not work out, I am hoping that this degree will make me eligible to work in a hospital wellness center. I'm not sure what I really want to do, but I would like to experience my profession from every angle there is. I've been in the health club setting and did not enjoy it. Now I would like to experience the clinical setting.