What is NeJiia and NeiGong? (Chi Kung, QiGong)

NeiJia refers to 'Internal Martial Arts'. NeiGong means 'Inside Development' and QiGong exercises are a kind of NeiGong. Anyone can practice NeiGong. Authentic methods energize the body while calming the mind.

Benefits include:

  • Relaxation
  • Flexible Core Power
  • Increased Flexibility
  • Increased Concentraion
  • Increased Energy
  • Better Immune Function
  • Improved Digestion

The most important thing for a beginner to keep in mind about NeiGong is that the breath and movement are complimentary. Safe training using authentic methods follows a specific detailed process of progressive refinement. You will safely change if you train exactly as instructed.

Wikipedia Entry ( ed. note: very broad generalizations, but an ok place to start )


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