Core filling

Since beginning this program I started feeling things in my torso that I've never felt before. I thought I had some understanding of filling. I would release the soft tissue and would feel the belly "fill up" and it would feel firm. I could feel a line down the front of my torso but I recently realized I was not feeling anything below the level of the surface. But, when my belly felt full I could not breathe  very deeply. My belly felt too full to be able make room for the breath.Several days ago I started being able the "down the front" in a new way. I could feel the energy dropping down my face and then to the solar plexus. Then, I felt it go behind my abdominal muscles, which felt...interesting, down to the front of my perineum. Then, after a few days of that, I became aware of a cyclndrical space from my diaphragm down my perineum and a space on my sides on each side of the cylinder. Not only did I feel the cyclinder shape inside, the energy dropping down the front into that space, I could breathe with not difficulty and my abdomen did not pooch out as I inhaled. My sides and back expanded making room for the breath. This new feeling has completely changed what I feel when I train.