I have found that for me to get the feeling that Sifu describes for suspending the crown it actually comes about as a result of relaxation and not really pushing the crown up. I haven't had a lot of time fordedicated practice , but I look for these things all day as I walk and move.I foundhave that if I release the traps and hold the head and not let it fall I get a rising feeling in the neck and head that just happens. The meat of the torso sinks and I get fullness in the Dan tien. I have rising in the back and dropping and the front. The head feels suspended and the Dan tien feels condensed. The whole chest seems to empty without collapsing. There's dropping and rising at the same time that seems to pull from the upper torso. The suspending of the crown pulls up from the upper back and the sinking and condensing in front allows the organs to drop and the chest feels empty but not collapsed. Is this correct?
Kelley Graham's UnCarved Block Program
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