Ring my bell

I had a great conversation with sifu today.


Okay. New thing. Lol. From the center of the right kua to about 2/3 of the way to the center, moving towards the navel I've been having a vibrational feeling. It feeling like when a bell is rung out a tuning fork is struck. It lasts from 5-30 seconds. I can't place what it may be resonating with, if anything.


Scratch that. Tapping that area sets off the vibration. It's interesting.I'm feeling it up into the lower abdomen now too. It doesn't feel very deep.


Just things calibrating. It means things are softening. Then can reorganize. More bone awareness means soft tissue can let go more.


Awesome! It was really interesting how that when I patted my abdomen, all of the tissue in that area vibrated like a bell being rung.


People think that relaxation is something that they control. Nope. Separate bones and meat is all you can do. Movement and breath brings yin and yang together. Why do u think I call my neigong program, 'Ring the Body Like a Bell'? Or more accurately, a collection of bells within bells. Harmonize and tune the collection of bells. :) Eventually, moves into background, like the tai chi breath.


I thought the same thing but I hesitate to say that I'm experiencing any specific thing like it's an accomplishment. My perceptions may be a little off compared to the real thing. For example, the vibrating/undulating tissue feels completely different than this vibration. This is a fairly high frequency, like a buzzing.


Yep. This feeling will evolve. Keep training.




Keep training, become great. :)

Small Circulation