pchou42's blog

One Time Feelings / Upper body twisting and pelvic floor

Last week there was one time when I was doing the standing and I felt like I had this sensation where the upper front part of the hip was connected into the front part of the abdomen, maybe it was the master cavity. When I would bend it would feel like that point on the hip was pulled into the upper abdomen part. I haven't felt that again though, not sure if this is just a passing sensation or if that kind of sensation is a connection we should try to be aware of.


Shoulder Blades and Ribs


In last weeks class I asked some questions about the shoulders and posture and since then I've been thinking that maybe I've been interfering too much with their placement and I've been trying to let them be more natural. This week I've been feeling or have been having an awareness of the shoulder blade or the tissue or space underneath it. I don't remember when but I thought you had said sometime earlier in the training something about the shoulder blades feeling like they just hang off the back.

Spine / Back of the U

Standing FBD

Most recently my ability to feel or perceive what I've thought of as the back of the U has travelled futher up the back. I thought that the back of the U was from the lower part of the ribs down towards the sacrum but now it seems like the stretch in my back can be felt slightly higher than the bottom of the ribs. When I was standing earlier in the day and I was feeling more of the tissue/stretch it almost felt a little like spine lengthened. Then later when I was doing it in the evening I was noticing that it seems like the higher up part of the stretch was more on the left side.