pchou42's blog

Rooting / Grounding

A couple of days ago I had my wife push against my arms in the ward off stance for fun. She was probably humoring me and not pushing very hard but she did push and it felt like I was able to withstand a certain amount of force without my structure collapsing. With my right arm out it felt like I could feel the force go into my back foot a bit and on the left side when she pushed I could feel my ribs compressing quite a bit. We have not really talked about rooting or grounding much in our training.

Indifference to discomfort

In last weeks class you had started talking about the bones training and how when you start to do the bones training there is this mental aspect where you are not bothered by certain feelings inside the body. Normally when I do the standing and try to feel the transverse and pearls couples I feel like I need to stand tall and do other things in order to feel the couples, if I don't do those things I won't feel the couples. The stretch of the couples also feels somewhat unconfortable.

Bending with the cavities and stretch under the scapula

Pretty much as the title says. I was practicing standing tall and trying to get all the slack out. Then I started practicing bending with the cavities. I felt like I was doing a pretty good job standing tall and getting the slack out and when I did the bending I felt some kind of stretch or release under the right scapula. When I would bend down I would feel this tissue stretch and the should blade just felt like it was hanging off the back.