michael young's blog

Umbrella ribs

The biggest change that I've encountered recently is my thoracic spine not collapsing. This started as a feeling of the bottom ribs spreading and being lifted like a parachute filling with rising air. To get this to happen, I would actually lift my ribs on the fron a little as if I were trying to catch some rising air and when placed correctly they lift and the entire ribcage becomes a supportive structure. After further training isee that the ribs are only changing because of the thoracic spine activating to get in on the Standing.

Belt area soreness

I've been doing the exercise you taught us on Wednesday using the diaphragm to stretch forward, backward, left, right, and twisting. Let me tell you, I have been VERY sore around my belt line. Rolling over in bed is groan inducing. Lol! The sensation is interesting but I'll be glad when there's no pain associated with it. Is there anything in particular about this region that is important to pay attention to?

Good vibrations

I've noticed a new sensation. When I stand and feel the foot couple, I get a feeling of the bones and the meat separating from the bones in my feet. The bones are being pressed down and the meat is hanging down between the bones of the foot so theres a front to back stretch fom the heel to the toes and a transverse stretch from side to side. It's pretty intense. As I release into the feeling of the aligning to the bones and the stretch increases, the soft tissue starts to fade from my awareness and I feel a humming/ vibration in my bones. It's not like the buzz of static.