michael young's blog

Daily life

I have noticed that I can relax while walking and my whole torso kind of unifies and the tension disappears. All of the meat drops straight down. I was able to feel this while vacuuming. It was surreal. The level of ease in movement was beyond anything I've ever felt. I moved the vacuum effortlessly. I know that moving a vacuum doesn't require much effort but this practically zero effort. I felt no effort in my torso at all.

Spontaneous movements

I have been experiencing some spontaneous rocking/swaying/oscilating movements of my torso sometimes while standing,more so when sitting. These movements are unpredictable and small. The change with the breath constanly evolving and adapting. I can reduce these movements or give myself over to it. I feel like reducing the movements is interfering with a process that should be happening. Sifu, you talk about non interference. Is this something that I should be  experiencing and allowing to happen? Is this to be expected? Is this a natural balancing process?

Shoulders, hips, organs

I noticed today that when I stand I release my back and shoulders and my hips and shoulders almost feel like the same thing. Also, I feel the organs have a support that they produce for the body. when I let everything go to the degree that I'm able the spaces or hollows form and the outside of the body can relax more and the inner spaces support the body still having space to breathe.  On another note, I realized today that my awarness of my body was that my torso was basically two dimensional. It was as if I my body had only front and a back. No awareness of the inside.