pchou42's blog

Spreading of the back

We have been talking about how when doing the transverse couple there should be a feeling of spreading in the back. I've been having trouble feeling that sensation and I've felt that when learning the foot couple and the transverse couple in the waist it helps to be able to mentally visualize or have some idea about what is causing the sensations to occur.

Rib Tensions

Earlier on when I started the standing I would notice that I often could feel tension in my back near the ribs on the left hand side. After some time I stopped noticing that tension or it went away. Last night after I had done some of the warmups and was practicing the standing I could feel tension in that area again but now it felt as if it was underneath the ribs and it felt more like it was maybe tension in the fascia or something that was wrapping around that part of the diaphragm. 

transverse couple / U / back of the diaphragm

The other day I when I was practicing I was feeling what i think i the back fo the diaphragm pretty clearly. When I was working on feeling the transverse couple I was slightly adjusting the tilt of my hips. When I would do this it felt like the transverse couple would pull on the back of the diaphragm. I didn't necessarily remember feeling a strip down the back but is this what the U should start to feel like, i.e. when we move one part of the U the other parts move as well?