pchou42's blog

Bottom of the wheel or doing it wrong?


A few weeks ago we discussed how doing this type of training can feel like being on the outside of a wheel moving forward. When you are moving upwards and forward on the wheel it feels like progress but when the wheel starts to move downward and backwards you can feel like you are making no progress or moving backwards. This topic came up because I had been having difficulty feeling the bones pushing forwards/backstop/stretch. Sure enough the next day I had more clarity in feeling these sensations again. 

Connecting from bottom to top

I tried to asked this question in our last class but maybe I didn't really articulate it correctly. When I practice the standing meditation it feels like there are small tiny corrections that can be made to make the foot couple or backstop or bones pushing out feelings more clear. Whenever I am able to make some kind of correction it feels like my body becomes more connected. At first it was from the foot to the bottom part of the leg. Then foot to the knee. Now I am starting to feel connected to the hip.

Standing inside the body

Last night I felt like I actually had some kind of real sensation of standing. In earlier weeks of the pratice sometimes while doing the standing mediation I would shift my weight from front to back or back to front very slightly to try and see what alignment would bring out more clear sensations of backstop, foot couple, bones pushing, tissue pulling.