pchou42's blog

Back slap bear slap stretches


When practicing the back slap bear slap I was feeling a stretch in my lower abs on the side of the body that I was stepping towards while twisting the hips before the front of the chest moves. I don't think I had ever noticed this before and/or maybe I'm doing it differently now. Is this part of what we want to feel when doing this exercise?

Bend / Arm swings new feeling

I'm not sure if I've somehow changed the way I'm doing the bend / arm swings or if my body is just changing. The last few times I've done it I've felt a stretch through the arm pit and also I've felt some stretch more towards the lower back. Is it expected for the arms swings feeling to change as we progress or have I accidentally started doing the motion in a wrong way.

Spinal Tube

I don't know if I slept funny or if this is related to the training. When I have been dong the back slaps the last few days when I bend and move the center line of the chest to do the first backslap I have been feeling this thing in my back. If I imagine that my spine is inside a tube I could feel the left side of the tube near the lower ribs. It's not a discomfort but I just notice some kind of stretching tube feeling. I think I was feeling it on the right side on a different day but today it is  present on the left side.