Strength Terminology

Strength & Power are terms used to describe the capacity to have an effect or perform work. Physical strength can be distinguished from Strength of Materials. In our training, Structure is the best word for how to understand power generation.  The tensegrity model and anatomy trains provide valid physiological context. Benefits of cultivating and refining ones structure can include:

  • Balance - Refined awareness of the alignment with gravity results in exquisite balance. Fewer falls means fewer injuries.
  • Endurance - Awareness of one's structure when moving results in greatly improved use of self. An efficient movement uses less energy.
  • Pain relief - Better structure means the body can move naturally.
  • Profound Relaxation - This is relaxation as your baseline condition, rather than an exceptional, fleeting, or occasional feeling.
  • Resiliency - Injuries are lessened as the body is well knitted together.

As one's awareness expands, structural habits dissolve away and the body lightens, becoming more transparent to inner and outer forces.