Condense in the legs?
Submitted by michael young on 2014-03-25 15:57Am I doing something wrong if the base of my hamstrings get very full and tight? Just above and behind the knee.
Kelley Graham's UnCarved Block Program
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Am I doing something wrong if the base of my hamstrings get very full and tight? Just above and behind the knee.
I've been training solo for about a year and a half with the Sifu on demand program. Human nature as it is, I didn't train EXACTLY as sifu said. Lol. I didn't always follow the progression as prescribed. I haven't had any partner training to speak of for all that time. I had some"accomplishment" in the sense that I was developing some internal feel. I came to the retreat in Tuscon and finally got to touch hands with some Iliqchuan brothers and sisters. The amount of refinement that I got was profound.
So, when I downloaded the stage two videos I was in the middle of a lot of big life changes and stress. I thought that I had gone through all of them but I was wrong. Looking through my laptop and started up week 13. WOW!!!!! It hit on a couple of things that I have problems with.
1. I have a hard time condensing to the dan tien and not to the diaphragm just below the sternum. I think it is a habit that i developed doing lots of untrained singing and exhaling from there. The video touches on this and the warm up stretches helped me to feel this more clealy.