michael young's blog

Dang lower back

I went on a road trip this weekend and my back tightened up a lot. I can't feel a lot of the things that I've been developing lately. my back is so tied up I can't get it to release. did some training last night and I'm just getting to where I can release the lower back a little bit to be able to feel the ming men point, but it feels like a knotted up mess. Lol. train train train

Trouble sleeping

I have been having trouble sleeping. I am not having any trouble with being tired. I can fall asleep just fine, but I am waking up regularly at about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. The trouble is getting back to sleep. Sifu tells is to keep the energy down or this could happen, however, I haven't noticed the energy coming up or any agitation. Also, everyone else in the house is cold when I'm hot. Again, I'm not getting hot during training, just comfortable at a lower temperature than everybody else. Is this just a coincidence, or is it related to my training?

Fullness while walking

Yesterday, I noticed, while walking, that, as I let go of the muscle more and more, the tissue around mingmen would release. It felt like it was moving away from mingmen in everydirection and around the torso to the front. The yin surfaces on the torsoall becamed very heavy and dense like wet wool. The belly became very full and hard with no effort. I can't reliably reproduce this effect. I can most easily find it while walking around, but it is near impossible to find it when I'm standing still or trying to train. Advice please...