princenasir's blog


There's a lot that I want to write, but I'm a bit exhausted. I have a new fitness project that I really want to get out quickly...but I will have to talk about it another time. Basically it's all movement--mindful movement. Bodyweight only--no kettlebells involved or any other weight. 

Hello Monkey Mind, let's count breaths

After my talk with Sifu, I am dialing things back with my business and my practice and starting at week 1. I think things will go much smoother if I wait until I actually have closed down my studio, but I decided to go ahead and start now. I've been keeping a separate notebook from the one I normally use to scribble down notes--mainly the 13 points. I want to have them memorized, and the only way I know how is to do the same thing I did in bootcamp with the 11 general orders of a sentry-- I would copy them before bed until I reached the point when I could write them from memory.