princenasir's blog

The Bitter Part of the Pill

I've been extremely busy since my last post, but I can at least say that it has been a productive busy. I have two certifications as a personal trainer  and am also a kettlebell instructor. I'm taking 3 college courses, and I'm in the process of applying to a master's program for Exercise Science. Unfortunately my IMA practice has been falling by the wayside with school, training, and having to take care of my grandmother. :(

Slow Progress

I'm nearing the end of a 9-month program to get my personal trainer's certification which means I'm getting slammed with deadlines. I am still working on relaxing while doing wuji standing and have not yet moved on to Bitter Pill. Friday night I stood for 13 minute intervals for a total of 42 minutes. My focus was really to get the weight out of my knees and into my ankles. I did the same thing last night (Sunday) for 15 minutes as well as during the Yiquan standing in my Taiji class this morning.

First Lesson: How To Begin

I answered the following to one of the questions that Sifu Kelly asked in the beginning of the lesson: 

I have always understand excess Yin leading to Yang and excess Yang leading to Yin with the neutral point being a transition from one to the other. I think that it is necessary to learn to feel what Yang is and what Yin is in order to become aware of that neutral point is where one transitions to the other.