princenasir's blog

27 Jul 2012

I am still here, but have not been blogging at all lately. School is back in full swing, so I am having to juggle the YMCA, my kettlebell classes, school, taking care of my Grandma, and my own training. My last day with the YMCA will beon next Friday, 3 AUG. From there I am going to make some major changes to my kettlebell classes. I want to go with the model that Crossfit uses where people playa monthly fee to come here and train. I will keep a few classes going which will be actual classes with a curriculum.

9 Jul 2012

Havent posted anything in a good while. I have been wrestling with thoughts of moving on from the YMCA. I spent about 6 months trying to get hired as a trainer at the YMCA only to realize that I really ought to be working on my own. All of my plans for my many summer projects have fallen behind because I am jumping to run to the YMCA to stand around and not train. Even when Sifu was in town, I was pretty exhausted from waking up early mornings to go open the gym.

28 JUN 2012

I have been really tired today. It was not from the training that I did yesterday, but more me staying up late and waking up early. My diet wasn't the best today either. After my post last night, I sampled the P90X recovery drink and poured at least 2 tablespoons of chia seeds in it. This morning I also hade some whey with milk and chia seeds. All that fiber had me feeling pretty full all morning even though I had not actually eaten anything.