princenasir's blog

What's the Purpose of It All?

Back in February, at the conclusion of the AZ Retreat, Sifu and I went out for ice cream and discussed a number of things. One of the things I asked him about was his opinion regarding the videos about "John Chang" and the Mopai school. I'm not sure if I shared this with Sifu, but I have been acquainted with a former Mopai student who spent time studying with Pak John in Indonesia. 

25 MAR 13

10:00 wuji standing

waving: sagittal | frontal | horizontal

2:30 waving, :30 walking in figure 8's and then change to a new plane of movement

1 round total of 9:00


rocking 5:00 slowed down, tried noticing strain on joints, but could realy only feel up to the ankle with some consistency. 

-- Greg helped me realize that I was actually not on the center of my foot, but already in my heels to start. Still getting used to the feeling of being too far on my toes even though I already feel more relaxed in that position.