princenasir's blog

28 AUG 2012: On Teaching

I meant to write this entry last night, but I did not feel like fighting with the on-screen keyboard on my iPad. Oh yeah, some of the strange typos in my other entries are from my iPad's autocorrect feature.

16 AUG 2012: Q's about Sitting

I am hoping that Sifu and some of the more advanced students in AZ may chime in on this entry. It is something that I have wondered about for years. I have been getting mixed responses from people on this subject which is the importance of seated meditation.

13 AUG 2012

I've been thinking about posting my daily training stuff in a blog on my training site that I'm going to do on Wordpress. I did not want to clog up this site with 100 posts, but I will give it some thought. My Grandma did much better last week now that I am spending more time at home studying and trying to build up my kettlebell classes. I have been waking up and standing for 20 minutes in Wuji posture and then spending ~10 minutes on Bitter Pill.