princenasir's blog

12 JUN 2012

Last night I did 36 minutes of bear standing with a movie playing, "The Reign of Assassins." I am going to make an effort to not watch movies while I do bear standing, but I may try to do some wiki standing when I watch movies. I think it would be much more beneficial than lounging around, unless I really need to rest & relax.

11 JUN 2012

I was working on some exercise videos for my YouTube channel yesterday and did not get to post a new entry.

I crashed after eating on Saturday afternoon and slept for a good 2 hours. I did not do any Bitter Pill at all, but I did 30 minutes of bear standing during halftime and the 3rd quarter of the Miami Heat/Boston Celtics game 7. 

9 jun 2012

If it is okay, I would like to make this a bit more than just a "training blog." If you have not heard, some comments I made in a review about a push hands seminar that I attended has created a bit of a stir. Maybe I should have shared my review directly with the intended audience, but it's whatever at this point. If people wish to read my thoughts, then so be it. I am going to make a strong effort to record every detail of my training from this point on...