michael young's blog

Maintain the energy on the center of the hips?

I have been revisiting the thirteen points. Keeping the energy on the center of the hips has always left me mystified. Is this what we do when we allow the weight to be carried at the hips and release the knees so that we aren't carrying our weight there?

This body of mine.

So, for the last week or so, my body has felt all bound up. It feels as if my training is working in reverse. My body is supposed to be opening but it feels more constricted than ever. I'm sure that this is just me being more aware of the tension that has been there for years, but that doesn't make it any more comfortable. LOL It sucks and I am just waiting for it to pass. Any insight will be appreciated.

Expand from ming men

Got to do some bitter pill today. Focused mostly on keeping the center of gravity force in the center of the foot during all of the changes. Feeling the full ness in the hands and not spiiling the chi before the melt. Worked on Yi-chi-li while doing some expand to absorb and condense to project in different directions. Today is the first time I have ever felt the expansion from ming men.